
Lucy Rimalower is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT47608) practicing in Los Angeles, Ca. Lucy offers psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families with a variety of treatment needs. Her specialties include working with body image issues, childfull vs. childfree questions, families with LGBTQ parents, and the unique social and professional pressures of the entertainment industry. In addition, she has experience working with depression, anxiety, stress management, career development, parent-child communication, infertility and perinatal issues, eating disorders, and couples counseling. She works from a strength-based, solution-focused approach that provides clients the opportunity to be the expert on their own lives and to steer the course of treatment according to their needs, hopes and dreams. She utilizes a variety of approaches including postmodern and cognitive behavioral practices.

Lucy completed her M.A. in Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, at Phillips Graduate Institute. She received her B.A. in Psychology and Dramatic Art at UC Berkeley.

Lucy facilitates workshops on topics such as trauma, group dynamics, and self-esteem and the media. Drawing upon her experiences in both the field of psychology and the entertainment industry, she has provided consultation for film and television on subjects including adolescent sexuality and mental health. Lucy also works with organizations needing support and consultation in the face of crises and transitions.

Lucy has contributed articles to The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Kveller, Sex Education, Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal, and Los Angeles Family Magazine. She has also served as a speaker, guest lecturer and consultant throughout the Los Angeles area as well as adjunct faculty at Phillips Graduate Institute and American Jewish University. Lucy works with her clients to harness their strengths as they confront day to day problems and long term issues. She invites clients to consider the contexts that shape their identities, including past experiences and cultural influences, as they move their lives in the direction of their dreams.


“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy,
a quickening that is translated through you into action, and
because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”

― Martha Graham